
Saturday, September 26, 2009


Today I had plans to be Superwoman. I hopped out of bed with my "must do" list ready to seize the day. I paid bills, cleaned, and checked that list for that next item. But on my daily walk, I found myself slowing down to drink in the beauty of the day. The reddish-orange hues of the leaves were a striking reminder that fall is really here. So are the honking flocks of geese I saw in the blue-grey sky. Experiencing each season's unique qualities was something I missed when I lived in California. Nature's beauty reminded me to take a deep breath and give thanks. Not everything's perfect,but the world won't fall apart if it isn't.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blogging on the One

Procratination. A word I try not to embrace,especially being a freelance journalist/poet. Waiting doesn't pay bills,get exposure or do anything except keep you in the same place today as you were yesterday. So as I learn my way around the blogging world, I hope you'll join me. I've read,heard and talked long enough before finally taking the plunge today....