
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cupid's Holiday

Happy Valentine's Day! Say it to most people and they immediately think of couples. Ads, movies and even well-meaning people all suggest you're a misfit if you don't have a mate. But I have a different take on this holiday.

My father was the first to show me what Valentine's Day was all about. A quiet man, Valentine's Day was his time to show how much he loved both my mother and me. Every year Daddy bought two huge boxes of chocolates from Melli's, the finest candy store in Racine. He topped it off by taking time to pick out the best cards expressing his deepest feelings for the two special women in his life.

Like cupid, he'd sneak out of the house early in the morning. When he returned, Daddy then gathered my mom, three brothers and myself together to give us our gifts. My mother and I would take turns admiring the cards before opening the candy boxes. We savored our first pieces of chocolate because we knew we'd share the rest until every piece was gone.

Even when I went away to college, he made the 45 minute drive to campus to give me my Valentine's gifts if I didn't come home. My Daddy faithfully kept this day special until his death.

Time is still healing my heart years later, but the gifts my dad gave me are immeasurable. I can honestly say love is so much more than romantic notions portrayed by the media. And I also take time to do something special for myself. Most importantly, I celebrate with all my loved ones regardless of sex. Love you always Daddy. Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

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