
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Legacy's Challenge

Style, grace and beauty. Three distinct words which capture both Lena Horne and Dorothy Height. Their lives serve as shining examples of feminine power
in a time where African-Amercan women were expected to be subservient mutes.
As I read the obituaries of Horne and Height, I remember my parents talking to me at great length about both women and their activities in the struggle for Civil Rights in the 1960's. I marveled at their determination to make this country better alongside the male leaders. I went to school each day thinking I could do anything regardless of my race and sex.

As an adult,I aspire to leave an enduring legacy for future generations beginning with my own family. All I have to do is close my eyes and remember the names of those who walked in my shoes before before was before.

What's your legacy going to be? Are you living up to your potential? Do you encourage others with words, actions, deeds? People are watching and waiting...

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