
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Daily Grace

"Amazing Grace how sweet the sound"....This week has been a long one. From knocking down obstacles to cast my vote Tuesday to dealing with unplanned expenses, there was endless opportunities to whine about the way each day was going.

The topper is being in physical pain from residual injuries sustained in a car accident when I was 23 years old and a newly minted college graduate. I hate when the weather turns cold and my body hurts so badly that even the simple act of waking up is the best I can manage to do.

After nearly 30 years of being in constant pain, it's still a struggle not to hold pity parties for myself. What keeps me sane is knowing that many people are praying for me, especially on the days I find it difficult to pray on my own.

My gift of writing is another way to cope. There have been periods where I didn't write a single word. But I'm blessed to have so many cheerleaders. My doctors are so excited whenever I tell them of my adventures with Sensual Sounds. We go over minute details of what I've been doing. Some questions are to make sure I'm not overtaxing myself. Other comment are to remind me not to take these opportunities for granted.

So much more helps me live with constant pain. Meditation, music and reminders to cut myself some slack are elixirs which save me from the edge. I also work through pain with daily exercise. Stretching and massages are the best. So are good-old fashioned belly laughs. Even sitting and praying for others works too. Still working on crying, though. Another day I'll break down. But not today. Thank God for Amazing Grace.

Sensual Sounds is available on and

1 comment:

  1. Marcie,
    I am dedicating this song to you.
    Stay strong my sister on this journey we call life. Continue to create, inspire, and pray!
    God bless!
