
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gettting to Happy

Now is as good a time as any to face limited thinking in the cold harsh light of day. The year's coming to a close so what has it meant for you? Do you really want to bring more baggage on top of the stuff you've been carting around for years? Or finally lighten the load?

I'm im the process of eleminating people, activities, and everything else which keeps me locked in fear. The world throws out enough negativity in areas too numerous to mention. It's up to me to carve out productive areas by engaging in things which bring me joy. Exercising and not overeating are also important. Music soothes my jangled nerves or perks up my spirits. So does a good laugh.

Every day I meditate by lighting a candle and saying a prayer after reading a inspirational lesson. I'm getting better at journaling which is helping me unload my baggage. Journaling is something I've done since my birthday in April. My sisterfriend, Val, sent me a beautifully-bound, lined journal as a birthday gift. It gathered dust on my table/desk until October.

Antonio, another friend, talked to me about how I tend to keep too much bottled up inside and suggested I write about my fears for about ten minutes. At first I just rolled my eyes. However, God must've been thumping me in the head, because yet another friend said nearly the same thing. This time I stopped procrastinating. Now my spririt's beginning to feel much lighter. Or to borrow the title from Terry McMillan's book, I'm getting to happy. Time's on my side, so look out.

Marcie Eanes is the author of Sensual Sounds which is available on and

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